A world with no men ..... we cant do because who is gonna get my sale cereal at Kroger knowing my short ass cant reach it .
Everyone is needed for this rock to be better than it is ....but why must masculinity become the voice of women . The things you hear, encounter, or deal with for male prescense......because you are taught that's what you do .
I was not taught that .
My dad was the ultimate Father who didn't raise is voice at me , we always had fun every night , very firm, and so supportive. ERRRRbody ain't my daddy thank GOD but where the hell to guys get off trying to dictate what makes you a woman.
I need for the fellas to embrace the power of a women ...not fright & fight thinking you will be diminished .
I had the thought recently of .... you know what its a little to fresh so I will save it for another 30days.
I find solace, inspiration , safety, sensuality, desire, admiration , innovation , and the epitomy of romance in that of a woman. I hate to see a woman cry and will turn the world off of its axis to dry those tears for her. Take out the sexuality preference that I have...the world started, maintains, and is such a better place with women .
Also ,I want to take the time to thank every Black,Queer Man who I had the pleasure of having a bond with ..you have made me feel the safest, confident, and sing your praises even higher .
I love you .